Data Mobility
In order for data to be used as effectively as possible, both systems and policies need to be in place to ensure that data reaches the right people, who need to access it to deliver the best experience for students in education, without it reaching the wrong people, compromising student privacy and safety.
At a technical level, data mobility takes the form of interoperability. In turn, Interoperability relies on technical standards which act like a common rail gauge for sharing data between ICT systems, allowing information to be exchanged accurately, efficiently and economically. It relies on using agreed data standards and common approaches to connecting ICT systems.
With agreed standards in place delays often experienced in IT projects can be reduced or eliminated and efficiencies achieved through the re-use of processes, data and infrastructure.
Interoperability however is only one aspect of data mobility. Data mobility also requires a common understanding between parties about the data being exchanged, and a common policy environment to ensure that privacy and security are respected in any information transfer.